Environmental Sustainability

Respecting the needs of future generations, St. Mark’s School of Texas will provide leadership in environmental sustainability and responsibility. The School assigns significant priority to integrating environmental awareness, understanding, and stewardship into its academic mission, campus improvements, and operations.
Statement of Environmental Policy
January 12, 2010

Sustainability Initiatives

  • Achieved LEED certification in new buildings
  • Installed artificial turf on playing fields
  • Switched to recycled copy paper
  • Installed motion-sensor light controls to conserve electricity
  • Switched from Styrofoam to biodegradable dishware
  • Eliminated disposable cups from faculty lounges
  • Enacted campus-wide single-stream recycling
  • Installed electric vehicle charging station
  • Installed native and Eco-friendly landscaping with educational signage
  • Hold two e-waste recycling drives each year
  • Introduce carpool website and challenge
  • Educate through AP Environmental Science and guest speakers
  • Develop environmental curriculum for the Lower School
  • Cultivate campus garden with student volunteers

Links of Interest

Director of Environmental Studies

List of 1 members.

St. Mark’s School of Texas

10600 Preston Road
Dallas, Texas 75230

About Us

St. Mark’s School of Texas is a private, nonsectarian college-preparatory boys’ day school for students in grades 1 through 12, located in Dallas, Texas. St. Mark’s aims to prepare young men to assume leadership and responsibility in a competitive and changing world.

St. Mark’s does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.